Živite u trenutku – ali kako bi to trebalo da funkcioniše?

Vjerovatno znate trenutke kada uživate u nečemu, a da ne morate razmišljati ni o čemu drugom, o lijepom filmu, radosnom susretu, zagrljaju punom ljubavi, uzbudljivom zadatku.

Ali, nažalost, obično je drugačije.

Da li i ti to znaš? Pričaš sa svojom devojkom, ali razmišljaš o večeri .“ Šta da kuham danas, imam li krompira kod kuće“ ?

Čitaš knjigu, ali stalno razmišljaš o razgovoru s majkom i o tome kako te ona još uvijek ne razumije.

Sjedite za kompjuterom i želite nešto napisati, ali ne znate kako da počnete i stalno razmišljate o nečemu drugom.

Gdje je to, trenutak, sadašnjost, stanje toka?

Naš mozak je izgrađen na takav način da stalno moramo o nečemu razmišljati. Uglavnom su nam po glavi besmislene misli. Neurolozi to nazivaju “mentalnim neredom – mental clutter”. Ovo mentalni nered misli nas sprječava da budemo fokusirani, sprječava nas da se koncentrišemo, sprječava nas da živimo u trenutku.

Žašto je to?

Filozofija joge to objašnjava našim unutrašnjim energetskim sistemom koji se sastoji od 3 vertikalna kanala. Jedan od kanala je odgovoran za budućnost, jedan za prošlost, a srednji za sadašnjost. Ali obično ne nalazimo sredinu, već osciliramo između prošlosti i budućnosti.

Kako to možete promijeniti?

Sahaja Yoga meditacija vam pomaže da aktivirate svoj centar. Ovo je čak i naučno potkrijepljeno.

Dođite u Centar Transformacija u petak u 20 sati i isprobajte sa nama.

Live in the moment – but how can you do that?

You probably know those moments when you enjoy something without having to think about anything else, a nice movie, a joyful encounter, a loving embrace, an exciting task.

But unfortunately it’s usually different.

Do you know this too? You’re talking to your girlfriend, but you’re thinking about dinner in the evening, what should I cook today, do I have potatoes at home?

You’re reading a book, but you keep thinking about the conversation with your mother and the fact that she still doesn’t understand you.

You’re sitting at the computer and want to write something, but you don’t know how to start and are constantly thinking about something else.

Where is it, the moment, the present, the flow state?
Our brain is built in such a way that we constantly have to think about something. Most of the time, it’s meaningless thoughts that run through our heads. Neurologists call this “mental clutter”. This mental clutter prevents us from being focused, prevents us from concentrating, prevents us from living in the moment.

Why is this the case?
The philosophy of yoga explains this with our inner energy system, which consists of 3 vertical channels. One of the channels is responsible for the future, one for the past and the middle one for the present. However, we usually don’t find the center, but oscillate between past and future.

How can you change this?
The meditation of Sahaja Yoga helps you to activate your center. This has even been scientifically proven.
Join us on Friday at 8 pm at the Centar Transformacija and try it out with us.