Ovaj jedinstveni, dvodnevni seminar fokusirat će se na važnost vrhunske prehrane i zaboravljene, ali vrlo vrijedne Ashtanga Kriya metode pročišćavanja. Bit će predstavljene i druge razne dopunske jogijske kriye, uključujući Dynamic Suryanamaskar. Ovaj program će sadržavati četiri bloka predavanja plus praktične sesije asana, pranayame i Atma Cintan meditacije.

Cijena ovog jedinstvenog seminara je: 100€
Za više informacija: +38762832308
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Krzysztof Stec, a former research scholar at the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, began his practice of yoga at the young age of 15 under the tutelage of the famed Tadeusz Pasek, a pioneer of yogic studies in Eastern Europe who encouraged Krzysztof to attend Kaivalyadhama in Lonavla. Krzysztof earned a diploma in yoga education in 1976 and has continued his practice of yoga ever since. In 2002, in the midst of a successful career in systems analysis at several global corporations, he came into contact with Shree Samarth Janglidas Maharaj who urged him to return to teaching yoga as a primary vocation. Towards that end the author earned a master’s degree in physical education at Banares Hindu University, Varanasi in 2009 and a doctor of philosophy degree at Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw in 2014, both in physical education. Several of his papers on Suryanamaskar have been published in international journals and he regularly lectures on yoga, health and nutrition worldwide.